Implementing the Repository Pattern with CakePHP
I’ve long professed how I dislike convoluted controllers. CakePHP’s find method almost immediately causes this when used inside a controller. More importantly, the code inside the find method is extremely unreadable. This is almost more important than a large controller function!
This is where the repository pattern comes in. At its most basic example (which some will consider overkill – you know who you are), I still think the repository pattern is clearer.
Here is an example using the regular find approach:
$user = $this->User->find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => $id)));
Compared to a repository example:
$user = $this->UserRepository->GetById($id);
The code is almost identically; however, in the second example, it’s clear that if I were to “read” the code I am retrieving a user by id opposed to I’m finding the first user with the conditions of id being equal to the variable $id.