Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How can I use my own external class in CakePHP 3.0?

What are the naming conventions? Do I need to use a specific namespace?
Your SVG graphs class should have a namespaces. For namespaces you can see
Where do I put the file that contains the PHP class?
  1. Create a folder by author(here might be your name, as you are the author) in vendor
  2. Then create your class inside of it convention is vendor/$author/$package . You can read more
How can I include it and use it in a controller or a view?
a) To include:
require_once(ROOT .DS. 'Vendor' . DS . 'MyClass' . DS . 'MyClass.php');
(replace MyClass by your foldername and MyClass.php by your filename.php)
b) To use it:
add use MyClass\MyClass; in your controller
For example I want to add MyClass in a controller. Steps that worked for me
  1. Creating vendor\MyClass folder
  2. Pasting MyClass.php in that folder
  3. adding namespace MyClass; at the top of MyClass.php
MyClass.php have following code for example:
namespace MyClass;

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";
  1. Adding use MyClass\MyClass; at the top of controller
  2. Then including it in my controller action. My action sample
       public function test()
         require_once(ROOT .DS. "Vendor" . DS  . "MyClass" . DS . "MyClass.php");
         $obj = new MyClass;
         $obj2 = new MyClass;
         echo $obj->getProperty();
         echo $obj2->getProperty();

cakephp : how to use mysql now() function in cakephp for date fields?

I have this code in my cakephp project:
$this->data['MyObject']['expire_date'] = 'NOW()';
But this won't save data in database. After googling I found I can use now() like this. But it seems wrong, what is the correct way to use it?
PS: My MySQL field is of type 'DATE'. It works if I use like this:

It should be called like this: $db = $this->MyObject->getDataSource(); $this->data['MyObject']['expire_date'] = $db->expression('NOW()'));

Cakephp: Multiple save in a for loop for cakephp

I'm using 2 databases. I fetch data from one database for a particular id from multiple tables and save it in another database. While I'm doing this, the data which requires a for loop returns the same data multiple times, instead of different data. Please help me in rectifying the error. Below is the code:

When saving data in a loop you need to call
after every save.
$q5 = $this->Model->function($empcode[$j]);
  if (!empty($q5)) {
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($q5); $i++) {
      $name = $q5[0][0]['tf_rel_fname'] . ' ' . $q5[0][0]['tf_rel_mname'] . ' ' . $q5[0][0]['tf_rel_lname'];
      $data5 = array('emp_cd' => $empcode[$j],
        'ppo_number' => $empcode[$j],
        'family_member_name' => $name,
        'relationship' => $q5[0][0]['tf_rel_cd'],
        'is_family_pensioner' => 'N',
        'dob' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($q5[0][0]['tf_rel_dob'])),
        'disability_percentage' => $q5[0][0]['ph_disab_per'],
        'physically_handicapped' => $q5[0][0]['ph_cd'],